Succession Planning
Is your succession plan a work of fiction?
18 Mar 2014 | Brian Amble
Six out of 10 companies say they have succession plans in place for their key executives. Yet eight out of 10 senior executives quizzed for a new survey said that their company would not be able to replace them quickly if they needed to.
Poor leadership undermines US organizations
28 Jul 2011 | Brian Amble
The quality of leadership in American organizations is poor and it isn't getting any better. What's more, leaders are stifling creativity and innovation because they are risk averse and focussed on their own survival.
Should leadership development be more transparent?
22 Jun 2011 | Brian Amble
Programmes to identify and develop future leaders might seem to be sound talent management. But as a new survey highlights, there's also a downside.
External CEOs cost more, deliver less
11 Apr 2011 | Brian Amble
Looking externally for a new CEO could be a waste of time and money. Because a new study has found that companies that only appoint internal candidates as CEO significantly outperform those that appoint outsiders.
Mind the leadership gap
23 Feb 2009 | Nic Paton
Many things are hard to predict right now. The imminent departure of the Baby Boomer generation into retirement should not be one of them. So why are so many U.S firms bracing themselves for a leadership and skills vacuum at the top?
Still ignoring succession planning
18 Aug 2008 | Brian Amble
You might have thought that having a succession plan in place should your CEO suddenly depart would be common sense. But an astonishing proportion of companies don't seem to agree.
Heads in the sand on succession planning
16 Jul 2008 | Nic Paton
Despite the ageing population and a global battle for talent, many American bosses are still doing precisely nothing when it comes to thinking about who is going to step into their shoes.
The importance of succession planning
17 Jan 2008 | Stephen Seymour
Careful succession planning is critical when those at the helm of a business decide to hand over responsibility to new management. So if you want to boost the value and saleability of your business for the future, start planning for and building the next generation of human resources right now.
Marshall Goldsmith on succession planning
07 Jan 2008 | Brian Amble
Why do so many business leaders find it difficult to hand over the baton to their successor? That's the issue best-selling author and renowned executive coach, Marshall Goldsmith, explores with us as he joins Wayne Turmel for the first Working Week podcast of 2008.
Perils of keeping it in the family
23 Nov 2007 | Nic Paton
One in four family-run British businesses expects to change hands in the next four years, but a lack of planning and foresight means that, for many of them, the process could become a complete nightmare.
Brain drain threatens U.S. competitiveness
26 Sep 2007 | Brian Amble
We all know that employers face a skills shortage as Baby Boomers leave the workforce. So why do so few organizations ensure that they can pass on the vital knowledge these employees possess?
U.S. organisations ignore succession planning
21 Dec 2006 | Brian Amble
Despite acknowledging the importance CEO succession, new research has found that a remarkable proportion of U.S. organisations have failed to put succession plans in place.
Chief executives do not trust HR to manage their talent
18 Oct 2006 | Nic Paton
As the West's workforce demographic changes, managing and retaining senior level talent is becoming an ever more important priority for CEOs. But they don't trust HR and personnel to get it right.
Managers failing on training, succession planning and communication
10 Apr 2006 | Brian Amble
British managers are often confused about who should take responsibility for training and development, fail to develop proper succession planning procedures and rely on the corporate 'grapevine' for communication.
Change at the top hits the bottom line
17 Oct 2005 | Brian Amble
Companies that replace their CEO need to move quickly to appoint a replacement as new research finds that poor succession planning is wiping £2 billion a year from the value of FTSE 350 companies.
Companies crying out for quality applicants
21 Sep 2005 | Brian Amble
Almost a quarter of UK firms are having to wait up to six months to fill key job vacancies as a growing skills gap puts a squeeze on business growth.
Favouring the first born
19 Sep 2005 | Nick Hood
The first employees recruited by small firms tend to climb the corporate ladder faster than those who join later. But favouring the 'first born' is fraught with peril, according to those who have seen the results.
Entrepreneurs plump for friends, not family
25 Aug 2005 | Brian Amble
Entrepreneurs are shunning family members when setting up a business and increasingly setting up new ventures with friends rather than relatives.
Don't rush your exit!
11 Jul 2005 | Nic Paton
In the boardroom the handover from one leader to another is often surprisingly brief. But rushing top people out of the door can cause real problems for organisations, says Nic Paton.
What happens when the 'baby boom' bubble bursts?
22 Jun 2005 | Brian Amble
Will the retirement of the 'baby boom' generation lead to a labour shortage in the U.S. or will there instead be a skills shortage and increased unemployment as organisations offshore jobs in search of cheaper skilled workers?
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