End of furlough anxiety? Belongingness is the answer
30 Sep 2021 | Anne-Marie Finch
As the UK's furlough scheme comes to an end after 18 months, how can organisations help people facing the anxiety of returning to the office after an extended time away from the working environment?
Getting back to work in the post-pandemic world
07 Apr 2021 | James M. Kerr
As organizations prepare to get back to work in a post-pandemic world, leaders must focus on just how they intend to get on with work for years to come.
Why 'how are you?' is such an important question
21 Dec 2020 | Steven Buck
After this unprecedented year, finding ways for a team to connect and address the needs of the whole person rather than focusing solely on work priorities is more important than ever.
Coping with COVID restrictions this winter
12 Nov 2020 | Lynda Shaw
In the midst of another lockdown and with the colder months are setting in, many of us are wondering how we are going to deal with this winter. Here are some tips on how to cope.
A far more serious public health crisis
03 Nov 2020 | Rod Collins
As we struggle against the the Covid-19 pandemic, it's clear there is a far more serious public health crisis that has long been hidden in plain sight: a digitally primitive healthcare system.
Re-skill, re-deploy
22 Oct 2020 | Management-Issues
Sandra Kelly, UK Director of People 1st International, and Michael Wood, Head of Health Economic Partnerships at the NHS Confederation, discuss the ways that staff from hospitality, travel & tourism can redeploy their skills in the health and social care sectors.
Covid-19 and the hazards of experts
06 Oct 2020 | Rod Collins
Rather than simply a public health crisis, the Covid-19 pandemic is a social system crisis that demands solutions based on the evidence of data, rather than simplistic responses based on the opinions of experts.
Returning to work: what do employees actually want?
21 Sep 2020 | Nicola Hunt
What are offices going to look like in a post-pandemic world? How can they become safe and productive spaces?
Managing the new era of flexible working
10 Sep 2020 | Fred Krieger
In the post-Covid era of flexible work, physical and remote workspaces will coexist. But the question is: how can this fragmented set-up be effectively managed?
Make your people part of the solution, even virtually
07 Sep 2020 | Matthew Handley
This year has presented companies with a series of seemingly insurmountable problems. But those that find ways to engage their employees in the design of solutions are likely to rise above the adversity.
We're in a crisis! Why can't we all just get along?
19 Aug 2020 | David Livermore
Even faced by a global pandemic, we don't seem able to bridge our tribal divides and leverage our differences to find solutions, rather than using them to further destroy us.
Can employers demand staff take a COVID-19 test?
18 Aug 2020 | Nicola Hunt
Could a compulsory Covid-19 test become part of our regular working routine? In this Q&A, we ask two UK lawyers about the complex legal issues employers need to consider.
Boost morale with a virtual event
27 Jul 2020 | Craig Bulow
Even if summer away-days and team-building events are off the agenda for the moment, there are still ways you can boost your team’s wellbeing and morale with in-person events that you can do remotely.
That furloughed feeling
16 Jul 2020 | Rhys Moon
Understanding how furloughed employees feel about the situation they're in gives an insight into what employers and managers can do to help individuals and the organisation as a whole.
Beyond the disruption of COVID-19
14 Jul 2020 | Tim Hood
For businesses that are reliant on manual processes that require people and paper to be physically together in one space, the COVID-19 pandemic is posing some fundamental challenges.
Be prepared: planning for a return to the workplace
11 Jun 2020 | Joanna Strahan
Businesses can't simply re-open after the lockdown as if nothing has happened. Planning is the key to managing the back to work transition, and those plans need to address a number of fundamental questions.
Seven ways leaders can prepare for post-pandemic times
09 Jun 2020 | Manfred Kets De Vries
Only by avoiding knee-jerk reactions will organisations emerge from the coronavirus pandemic re-energised and prepared to face the future.
6 out 10 worry about returning to work
05 Jun 2020 | Nicola Hunt
As many as six out of 10 employees in the UK who are now working from home are nervous about the prospect of having to go back to their usual workplace after the lockdown is lifted, a new survey has found.
Getting back to the office after lockdown
03 Jun 2020 | Andrew Parker
How should organisations transition teams back to the office once lockdown measures are eased? Here's how one employer is approaching a return to the ‘new normal’ and the factors that need to be considered.
Remote working in the post-pandemic world
26 May 2020 | Jan Schwarz
When the coronavirus pandemic is over, many businesses will have to decide if, when and how they will bring employees back to the office, or whether they will keep encouraging staff to work from home.
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