Category Archive

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How can teams demonstrate competence?

Wayne Turmel | 05 May 2015

The three components to building trust within a team are common goals, proof of motives and proof of competence. So thinking of competence, even if your team is filled with very talented people, do they all know that?

Five ways you're hurting your remote working relationships

Wayne Turmel | 09 April 2015

Very few people intentionally try to undermine their working relationships with other team members. But most of us manage to do things inadvertently that can have a disproportionately negative impact on teamwork and productivity.

Focusing despite technology

Wayne Turmel | 01 April 2015

In a remote team, technology is the way you communicate. So it should be a conduit to better information flow, not a bottleneck that constricts it. And that means limiting the distractions technology can create.

The power of constructive disagreement

Tim Lambert | 02 March 2015

Disagreement and challenge are healthy activities. But we have become so used to adversarial conversations through our political and legal systems that we have forgotten how to have real dialogue. What we need is a better way to disagree.

Do you know what's in your technology toolkit?

Wayne Turmel | 12 February 2015

Does your team have the collaboration technology it needs to communicate effectively? If your answer is 'no', you might want to take a step back and reconsider. The chances are that you actually have everything you need at your disposal, but don't even know it.

Fixing the boat in the water

Wayne Turmel | 14 January 2015

There’s no shortage of advice out there on how to put together an effective remote team. But what about fixing one that has gone off the rails? How do you improve the performance or relationships on an existing team that’s already in trouble?

Avoiding the back-to-work blues

Wayne Turmel | 05 January 2015

For most of us, the first Monday in January after New Year’s Day is the first “real” day back at work. So it’s worth taking a moment to consider what to say to your team as you all re-enter the ‘workosphere’ and to take stock of the dynamics you’ll encounter this week.

Balancing act

Jon Penn | 22 December 2014

Members of a team that Maggie managed until recently have been complaining to her about their new boss and asking her to come back as their director. Should she share this feedback with the new director?

Five end-of-year questions for remote managers

Wayne Turmel | 19 December 2014

At some point in the year we all need to stop, reflect on what’s happened and what looms ahead. And given that another year is looming, in that spirit of reflection, here are five questions all team leaders should ask themselves

Building social capital in remote teams

Wayne Turmel | 02 December 2014

Social capital is vital to every team. But in remote teams, the incidental and tacit communication that helps form social bonds just isn’t there. So you have to go about building it on purpose rather than expecting it to grow organically.

Trust, risk and remote teams

Wayne Turmel | 26 November 2014

Working in remote teams isn’t intrinsically more difficult than working together, but it is different. And one of those differences is the role risk plays in building or damaging team trust when working in isolation from others.

Wicked problems and the price of fish

Dawna Jones | 10 October 2014

Exploring choice, economics, systems and evolution with economist Professor Michael Mainelli.

Real rules need to be explicit

Wayne Turmel | 01 October 2014

Like baseball, every workplace has “unwritten rules” about how things work. That’s great, until something goes wrong. Since teamwork is a fragile dynamic at the best of times, it’s a good idea to determine the behaviors you expect from each other and make them explicit.

The prisoner's dilemma

James M. Kerr | 26 September 2014

Why do people working within the same organization - even the same unit - often seem to be operating in conflict with one another? Understanding the prisoner's dilemma can give us some clues.

Nobody's paying attention: don't panic

Wayne Turmel | 05 September 2014

If you feel that no one is paying attention on your conference calls, don’t worry about it. You’re not alone. Calls need to be managed to maintain focus and involvement. So plan them , don’t expect them to just magically happen.

Get ready for the unexpected

Graham Scrivener | 04 September 2014

Change, especially when it is unexpected, commonly triggers anxiety, distraction and loss of motivation. But rather than simply ignoring the negative effects of change, surely it makes sense to help individuals to deal better with the uncomfortable and unpredictable.

Reviewing remote managers

Wayne Turmel | 28 August 2014

With performance review season looming, how should remote team leaders be evaluated? While the differences between managing remotely and co-locating are few, they are significant, and your terms of reference need to reflect that reality.

Every team needs communication rules

Wayne Turmel | 21 August 2014

It doesn't matter what you call it, the fact is that every team needs is a set of communication guidelines to help them work together more effectively. So what does one of these communication agreements look like - and how do you go about creating one?

Cultural misunderstandings and the elephant in the room

David Livermore | 15 August 2014

One of the biggest causes of misunderstandings and conflict in multicultural teams is the difference between direct and indirect communication styles. So how can those who like to get straight to the point work harmoniously with others who expect issues to be addressed more subtly?

Improving your remote coaching sessions

Wayne Turmel | 13 August 2014

We all know how important it is for managers to coach team members. But with remote teams, coaching conversations can be particularly tough to get right. Here’s how to get round the lack of non-verbal cues to make your remote coaching sessions more effective.

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