Category Archive

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Male managers' bonuses are double those of women

Brian Amble | 20 August 2013

British men in management positions stand to earn over £141,500 ($220,000) more in bonuses over the course of their working lifetimes than women doing the same jobs, a new report has found.

What women and men need to understand about men and women

Cindy Wahler | 04 February 2013

How often do we hear both men and women complain that they feel like they come from two different worlds? Well guess what, we do. But that doesn't mean that both genders can't learn something from the way the other does things.

Management 3.0 - managing in a better way

Dawna Jones | 19 November 2012

Management fads come and go, but none of them ever seem to address the fact that many people still hate their jobs. So why do these fads fail and how can we manage in a better way?

Who you know still matters

Brian Amble | 30 August 2012

A 10-year study of British companies has found that you are about four times as likely to be appointed as a director if you are a member of the same golf club as a serving member of the board.

Glass ceiling concept is dead, survey suggests

Brian Amble | 29 August 2012

Most women believe that they face multiple barriers to advancement throughout their careers rather than just a single glass ceiling blocking their entry to the boardroom, according to a new survey by Ernst & Young.

Women: to get ahead, get a sponsor

Brian Amble | 21 June 2012

It isn't a lack of flexible working or childcare that is stopping women from making it to the top of British organisations. The real reason women are not breaking into leadership positions is a lack of sponsors.

Collaboration and gender

Brian Amble | 01 June 2012

There's no shortage of advice out there about how to improve collaboration. But until now, one factor has been largely overlooked: the influence of gender and the role of hormones.

Women in finance still paid less than men

Brian Amble | 22 May 2012

Women working in financial services in the UK earned some 20 per cent less on average than men in 2011, according to research from eFinancialCareers.

A political dilemma

Mary-Louise Angoujard | 05 April 2012

As the only woman on a board of directors, Helen feels a strong aversion to socialising with her colleagues on golfing days and wine-tasting sessions. But as Mary-Louise Angoujard explains, this is all about organisational politics, not gender.

Women in leadership: beware the barriers

Dan Bobinski | 20 March 2012

The idea of a glass ceiling is real, but it isn't glass and it's not really a ceiling. A more accurate picture might be a tangled web of trip hazards and barriers, notably around gender-based stereotypes.

Flexible working keeps mothers in the workforce

Brian Amble | 27 June 2011

If employers are serious about wanting to encourage women to return to work after having children, one of the most important things they can do is to offer new mothers greater flexibility about when, where and how they work.

Ernst & Young launches maternity coaching scheme

Brian Amble | 08 June 2011

In an effort to increase the numbers of women staying with the firm after they have children, Ernst & Young has announced a new maternity coaching scheme for staff in the UK are Ireland.

Women shunning finance careers

Brian Amble | 16 May 2011

The number of women between the ages of 20 and 34 working in the US finance industry fell by some 20 per cent between 2001 and 2010 according to an analysis of data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Quotas are no silver bullet for women on the board

Nic Paton | 24 February 2011

A British review has suggested that quotas are not the answer to getting more women into the boardroom. Instead, firms need to look at is what will actually work for women rather than aspire to artificial targets.

What holds women back?

Brian Amble | 08 February 2011

Some things, it seems, never change. According to new research from the UK charity Business in the Community, by far the biggest barrier to women getting senior jobs remains their need to balance work and family.

Why women make better bosses

Brian Amble | 24 August 2010

Do women make better bosses? Professor Khalid Aziz, CEO of leadership development consultants the Aziz Corporation, is convinced they do. Women have a less short-termist outlook, are more holistic, big-picture and reasonable, he argues.

Women in executive leadership

Dan Bobinski | 30 April 2010

While working on my Ph.D. in Organizational Learning and Leadership, I've been reading quite a bit lately about organizational structures, leadership, mentoring, etc. One fact that jumped out at me during a recent reading assignment is that only three percent of CEO positions in the Fortune 500 are filled by women. And I'd like to explore why.

Lessons from the velvet hammer

JulieAnn Derby | 15 January 2010

How can women survive and thrive in a male-dominated IT environment? As far as many men are concerned, women have no place in IT and their competence is automatically suspect. But with an understanding of the issues and the ways to get round them, women can beat this engrained sexism.

The wrong background?

Michelle Brailsford | 18 November 2009

Mary has recently been promoted into a senior role within an all-male technical team. But with a background in sales, her colleagues seem to have little respect for her opinions and criticize her for a lack of technical knowledge. What can she do?

Groundhog Day

Derek Torres | 24 September 2009

Every time I read about women getting fired when they get pregnant, I feel like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day. It's like we're stuck in 1959 and it keeps repeating, repeating, repeating

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