James M. Kerr

James M. Kerr is a long-time author, management consultant, vision maker and coach to some of today's best leaders. His latest book, Indispensable: Build and Lead A Company Customers Can’t Live Without was published in February 2021.
More from James
Flipping the organization
02 Apr 2014
It is time to adopt an upside-down view of how organizations work. That means focusing resources on the front-line staff who deliver to customers, not on executives who primarily manage the spin among the investment community.
Leadership: we're in it together
18 Feb 2014
Outstanding leaders lead by example. They naturally express a sense that 'we're all in it together' because they make deliberate efforts to communicate the sense that everyone shares the same goals and aspirations and that these ambitions can be achieved as one.
The power of project reviews
09 Jul 2012
There are few better ways to engage staff in business transformation than to institute a project review panel process. Done right the benefits will be seen not just at the project level, but on the overall employee engagement front, too.
Are you a dreadful leader?
28 Oct 2011
The chances are you have witnessed the damage a dreadful leader can wreak on an organization. While bad leaders can take many forms, there are five primary types from which all are derived. So can you recognize a dreadful leader in your midst?
Building a championship business
25 Jul 2011
Championship-winning sports teams and championship-caliber businesses have certain fundamental traits in common. So recognizing and understanding these factors can go a long way towards helping an organization to reach perfection.
Fixing the broken education system
29 Mar 2011
The US education system is broken, says James Kerr, and it doesn't look like it will fix itself. In fact, if fundamental reform isn't undertaken soon, it is very likely that American businesses will find themselves grossly short-handed in the coming years.
Staying in the moment
03 Mar 2011
How do the best companies differentiate themselves in the marketplace? One way is by staying focused and not getting distracted. To put it another way, it comes down to exceptional strategic planning and execution by staying in the moment.
Gen Y and the 2020 organization
17 Jan 2011
In less than a decade from now, Gen Y will be firmly entrenched within the management layers of most large corporations. But what this will mean for organizations and what changes will Gen Y bring with them as they begin to steer the ship?
Leadership in troubled times
23 Sep 2010
Most management teams can identify what is needed to help their company evolve. But most are much less accomplished at the sort of active, directive leadership that is required to galvanize teams and make change happen.
A blueprint for business architecture
29 Mar 2010
Only a fool would commission an architect to design a building without first discussing its intended use, esthetics and costs to build and maintain. Similarly, an enterprise should never set out to redefine its business architecture without first gaining similar understanding.
Strategic vision and the balanced scorecard
01 Mar 2010
We all know the importance of context when making choices and determining priorities. But organizations seldom consider setting a context when instituting business measurement and monitoring apparatus.
Strategic visioning
27 Jul 2009
If an organization really wants to attract and retain the best and brightest, a good place to start is by painting a vision. I don't mean some tired mission statement, I mean something with depth, something so compelling that the average working professional wants to be part of it.