Keeping your seat at the table: an interview with Nori Jabba
18 Oct 2023
If you are a woman over 40 and feel that you can't land a job despite your experience and qualifications, this interview with author Nori Jabba, author of "Keeping your seat at the table", is for you.
The geopolitics of the steppes
29 Jun 2015
Jean-François Fiorina, Associate-Dean of Grenoble Ecole de Management, talks to Central Asian specialist, writer and explorer, René Cagnat, about the changing geopolitics of a vast region of the globe that is often overlooked.
It’s a fake! Countering the counterfeiters
10 Apr 2015
Counterfeiting has become a global epidemic. Pierre Delval, one of the world’s leading authorities on counterfeiting, talks to Jean-François Fiorina, Associate-Dean of Grenoble Ecole de Management, about the scale of problem and the measures we need to take to combat it.
Inspiring engagement through the power of stories
11 Feb 2015
The gap between having a vision and inspiring others to help you achieve it is common to every business leader. Dawna Jones talks to Guido Palazzo, professor of business ethics at HEC Lausanne, about how stories can help you communicate your vision
Who's afraid of the science of shopping?
12 Feb 2014
Whether it's personalised bill-boards, talking windows or mobile phones that know what product we're looking at in a store, the future of shopping has already arrived. And as we hear in this interview with Dr David Lewis, the neuro-psychologist who invented the science of shopping, that's only the beginning.
James Kerr and the executive checklist
31 Jan 2014
Author and management consultant, James Kerr, talks about his latest book, The Executive Checklist, and explains how making the business world simpler can help leaders improve the ways in which they guide and shape their organizations.
What Facebook tells us about the future of leadership
15 Oct 2013
Hierarchy-agnostic, fast, autonomous and risk-taking, Facebook is also the first Millennial-run company in the Fortune 500. So how it approaches leadership development today is how others will approach it tomorrow.
China and the world of tomorrow
15 Oct 2010
Economist and author, Linda Yueh, tells Stuart Crainer how China went from being one of the poorest countries in the world to its second largest economy in only four decades - and explores the challenges it faces in the future.
You can't hop to the top
01 Jul 2010
Monika Hamori of Spain's IE Business School provides a powerful challenge to orthodox thinking about careers. She talks to Stuart Crainer about the new career realities and why job hoppers don't prosper.
Steven Spear on high velocity organisations
30 Apr 2010
It's a fast paced world we live in. Blink and the competition has stolen a march. So how can organizations keep up? What makes some quicker to react than others? We talk to MIT's Steven Spear about high velocity organisations.
Managing the generation gap
04 Jan 2010
Tammy Erickson is an author and expert on organizations and the changing workforce and, in particular, the generational differences between workers today. She spoke to Des Dearlove about the best ways to unite generations into a productive workforce.
Costas Markides: Innovating globally
07 Dec 2009
Costas Markides of London Business School talks to Stuart Crainer about disruptive innovation, innovative change and how the goal of a business ought to be to produce something of value to society – not to maximise shareholder value.
Keeping top talent in a down economy
19 Nov 2009
How do organizations boost the performance of employees when times are so tough? Stuart Crainer hears from Sylvia Ann Hewlett that ignoring your best people leads to the evaporation of loyalty and trust as alienation and disengagement sets in.
The Philip Kotler interview
12 Oct 2009
Few people have dominated a single business discipline as Philip Kotler has dominated marketing. The author of the definitive marketing textbook tells Stuart Crainer that marketing is a fluid discipline and explains how companies that see the opportunity side of turbulence and recession can thrive.
Henry Mintzberg on leadership vs management
05 Oct 2009
Unlike most management thinkers, Henry Mintzberg focuses on what managers actually do. And as he tells Stuart Crainer, today's narcissistic obsession with leadership is undermining management and pushing organisations off the rails.
Steve Radcliffe on exercising your leadership muscles
24 Aug 2009
Steve Radcliffe, one of Europe's leading coaches, wants to promote better leadership. He argues that leadership is something we can all rise to. It's not complicated or theoretical - it's all about practise.
John P Kotter on leadership and change
03 Aug 2009
Des Dearlove explores the secrets of successful change with John P. Kotter, Professor of Leadership Emeritus at Harvard Business School and one of the world's foremost authorities on change and leadership.
A new take on technology: Oswaldo Lorenzo
20 May 2009
Technology is a means to better performance but, laments IE Business School's Professor Oswaldo Lorenzo, it is often regarded as the ends rather than means. Instead, organisations need to look to the future rather than becoming fixated on the present.
Really living service
01 Dec 2008
Marc Silvester and Mohi Ahmed of Fujitsu map talk about a new approach to service which they anticipate as being as powerful in the service world as Toyota's has been in manufacturing.
Michael Jarrett on the secrets of successful change
12 Nov 2008
Dr Michael Jarrett, one of Europe's leading experts on organizational change, talks to us about the five factors that most influence the success or failure of almost every change initiative.
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