Sustainability and business education
23 Jun 2015 | Dawna Jones
Dawna talks to Wendy Chapple, deputy director of the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility at Nottingham University Business School, about a different approach to executive education and why the school has launched an MSc in sustainability.
Sustainable energy and the city of the future
06 Apr 2015 | Samuel Weil
Burlington, Vermont is the first U.S. city to generate all of its electricity needs through renewable sources. But in future, every city will have to take seriously the environmental and economic benefits of sustainable energy.
Scarcity and resource intelligence
01 Apr 2015 | Dawna Jones
Resource scarcity is no longer an abstract ‘green’ concept. As Dawna Jones finds out from Dr Nadya Zhexembayeva,, for many businesses, scarcity is an unwelcome reality that needs to become a primary strategic consideration.
Social responsibility in the mining sector
06 May 2013 | Dawna Jones
Dawna Jones talks to mining expert, Dr Ian Thomson, about how you can tell companies who are really acting responsibly from those who are just talking about it.
Eight out of 10 companies concerned about climate change
12 Sep 2012 | Brian Amble
Eight out of 10 major companies believe that their operations could be put at risk by climate change, with more than a third now perceiving climate risks as a real and present danger.
Where green projects go to die
06 Aug 2012 | Gareth Kane
More than nine out of 10 Chief Executives now view sustainability as being important to their company's future success. But that sentiment doesn't seem to be shared by middle managers.
Lies, damn lies and CSR
25 Nov 2011 | Brian Amble
Much of the environmental reporting data released by some of the world's biggest companies is either incomplete, inaccurate or deliberately distorted, according to a report by researchers from the UK and France.
A sustainable acceleration
03 Oct 2011 | Philip Whiteley
The 'old normal' assumed that companies existed solely for profit and commercial success had to come with human or environmental victims. But now these cynical beliefs are being replaced by a new understanding of the importance of collaboration and sustainability.
Don't preach the green agenda
05 Aug 2011 | Gareth Kane
People who take environmental issues seriously have an unfortunate tendency to come across as rather over-zealous. It's a fatal mistake that will put many people off. Instead, if you want to get a green message across, your mantra ought to be 'ask, don't tell'.
A new perspective on nature and manufacturing
13 Jul 2011 | Andrew Sibley
We hear a lot of talk about 'greener' industry, but what does this actually mean in practice? If companies really are becoming more sustainable, what is it they are actually doing? Here's how one manufacturer has decided to go beyond eco-efficiency to adopt a new theory of eco-effectiveness.
Sustainability hits the boardroom
04 Jul 2011 | Gareth Kane
Ten years ago, environmental issues in business were essentially about compliance. Then we moved into environmental management. But now, sustainability is fast becoming a strategic boardroom priority. But why?
The power of eco-preneurism
10 May 2011 | Dawna Jones
Kemp Edwards, Canadian Gen X eco-entrepreneur, shares with Dawna Jones how his inspiration to merge his business interests with his desire to create a world he wanted to live in and leave to his two kids led to the founding of two eco enterprises.
The power of eco-preneurism
10 May 2011 | Dawna Jones
Kemp Edwards, Canadian Gen X eco-entrepreneur, shares with Dawna Jones how his inspiration to merge his business interests with his desire to create a world he wanted to live in and leave to his two kids led to the founding of two eco enterprises.
The green folding stuff
26 Apr 2011 | Gareth Kane
It's all very well claiming to be committed to green initiatives, but how are you going to finance them? If you claim to be committed to something, you have to allocate resources or your claim is just hot air. Or to put it simply, no money = no commitment.
The C-suite and sustainability
15 Apr 2011 | Dawna Jones
In part two of Dawna's interview with Chris Laszlo, they explore how to engage the C-suite in sustainability initiatives and how to get the stewardship of ecological capital imbued at the heart of the organization.
Environmental claims are just so much hot air
25 Mar 2011 | Brian Amble
The overwhelming majority of consumers in the UK view corporate claims of environmental responsibility as nothing more than spin and 'greenwash', new research has revealed.
The Competitive Advantage of Sustainability
22 Mar 2011 | Dawna Jones
Dawna talks to Chris Laszlo, author of "The Sustainable Company" and "Embedded Sustainability", about the changing reality of sustainability and its gradualy emergence in the corporate mainstream.
Green business: the HR angle
04 Feb 2011 | Gareth Kane
If a business is really serious about being environmentally responsible, it has to taking the environment out of the environmental manager's office and embed it in the DNA of the organisation – and that includes the HR department.
Unilever unveils sustainability strategy
16 Nov 2010 | Brian Amble
Unilever the second-biggest producer of consumer goods in the world, has unveiled a new business model that puts sustainability at the heart of its global operations.
Seven habits of successful green business leaders
29 Oct 2010 | Gareth Kane
As Kermit the Frog once lamented, it ain't easy being green. That's especially true if you're the CEO of a company that is trying to transform itself into a greener business. So here's a quick primer on the key habits the modern green business leader needs to learn.
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