Career Development
Half of women lack inspirational female role models at work
07 Mar 2025 | Management-Issues
Half of female professionals in the UK say that their company lacks inspirational female leaders.
Gen-Z gives middle management the thumbs-down
23 Sep 2024 | Management-Issues
More than half of Gen-Z professionals don’t want to take on a middle management role in their career, a new survey has found.
Keeping your seat at the table: an interview with Nori Jabba
18 Oct 2023 | Management-Issues
If you are a woman over 40 and feel that you can't land a job despite your experience and qualifications, this interview with author Nori Jabba, author of "Keeping your seat at the table", is for you.
Working with Influence
05 Sep 2022 | Management-Issues
A conversation with Dr Amanda Nimon-Peters about her new book, Working With Influence: Nine principles of persuasion to accelerate your career.
Can you work from home and still have a career?
21 Mar 2022 | Wayne Turmel
Everyone knows that if you work from home once everyone else returns to the office, you've obviously decided your career doesn't matter. Right?
The 'dark side' resume
27 Jan 2016 | John C. Read
In the five centuries since the resume was invented, it is unlikely that any have been written to showcase a person's weaknesses. But crafting a dark side resume can be very illuminating. Just don't show it to anyone else!
Why work profiles should replace job titles
19 Aug 2015 | Jurgen Appelo
Work profiles are the perfect replacement for traditional job descriptions because they encourage organizations to grow work around people, instead of force-fitting people into narrow job roles.
Career planning 101: what I wish I'd known then
06 Jul 2015 | Duane Dike
The career advice I received when I was young was pretty unimaginative. What I wish I’d been told then is what I try to tell young people now. Make plans, but don’t box yourselves in. Be adventurous. Experiment. Think outwardly - and don’t be afraid take gambles.
Bypassing your boss
31 Mar 2015 | Cindy Wahler
Getting held back by your boss is a dilemma many talented people face. So how can you advance your own career if you work for a boss with a big ego who may even see you as a threat?
Letting go of control
05 Jan 2015 | Dawna Jones
Hear about leadership based on credibility and trust rather than 'yell and tell'.
Big data the hot skill for 2015
05 Nov 2014 | Brian Amble
Specialists in big data, cyber-security and corporate governance will not be short of job offers in 2015 and beyond according to the latest annual ‘hot jobs’ predictions produced by executive search firm, CTPartners.
Education, baristas and employee turnover
08 Sep 2014 | Duane Dike
The decision by Starbucks to help employees to complete a college degree is genius on many levels. The offer alone represents hope for a way out of the no-hope fast-food job cycle. But even if employees don't take up the offer, I'd wager morale, workmanship and turnover rates will all improve, too.
Avoiding the perils of an accidental leader
25 Jul 2014 | Graham Jones
Many people get promoted to leadership roles because they are good at what they do but soon find themselves out of their depth. But an accidental leader need not be an accident waiting to happen if they can be equipped with some of the skills of ‘real’ leadership.
How to survive a promotion
29 May 2014 | Dawn Sillett
So you've been promoted. Well done. But there are no guarantees that you will succeed in your new role. So what are the secrets to surviving - and thriving - after a promotion?
What your boss will never tell you
21 May 2014 | Cindy Wahler
So you've been promoted. Congratulations. But be aware that succeeding in your new role and staying on the fast track depends on you demonstrating something that isn't in your job description and won't ever be explicitly mentioned.
The right sort of travel can boost your career
14 Apr 2014 | David Livermore
As we know, travel broadens the mind. And according to a new study, adapting to and learning about new cultures can also boost your job prospects But it's important to note that not all travel experiences are created equal!
The 'road not taken' resume
25 Mar 2014 | John C. Read
A resume is supposed to be a perfect sales document, a record of our abilities and achievements. But there's much to be gained by trying to craft an entirely different sort of resume – one that explores what we decided not to do, rather than what we did.
Hot jobs for 2014
16 Dec 2013 | Brian Amble
What are the hot jobs that are likely to be in demand in 2014 and beyond? If one thing is certain, its that executives with skills in big data and analytics are among those who will find employers queuing up for their services.
It's who you are, not who you know
18 Nov 2013 | Brian Amble
LinkedIn addicts look away now. Because a new study has found that personality is a consistently stronger predictor of performance and career success than having a large and influential social network.
American executives lack global leadership skills
06 Sep 2013 | Brian Amble
For all the talk about the importance of global businesses and global leadership, many North American executives reach their mid-40s without any experience of working outside their home country - in stark contrast to their well-travelled colleagues in Europe and Asia.
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