Submission Guidelines is always on the look out for quality contributors keen to share their insights into the changing world of work.

We only run original opinion pieces by named authors. We do not accept "guest posts" from content marketeers or thinly-veiled adverts or intended to generate links for a third party. We are highly unlikely to publish a piece that has appeared elsewhere.

Articles should be advice- or opinion-led rather than promoting a specific product or service. Similarly, they should not contain links promoting a company, product or service (although links to relevant external resources such as research or news stories are welcome).

All pieces should be accompanied by an author bio and photograph (headshot). Please include any links to the author's website, Twitter feed and / or Google+ account etc.

To submit an article, you first need to send us a synopsis of the piece outlining what you want to write about and the range of issues that you plan to address to:

We don't produce a forward features list. If an article is insightful and interesting, please submit a synopsis as above.


Please do not send us physical copies of books. If you'd like to pitch a book for coverage or review, contact us on the editorial email above.