Technology & IT

Generative AI can significantly boost the aptitude of knowledge workers

05 Sep 2024 | Management-Issues

Consultants using GenAI for data science work perform up to 49% better in certain tasks beyond their existing capabilities, according to new research by the BCG Henderson Institute.

Can AI be trusted as an impartial recruitment partner?

23 Jan 2024 | Dan Adeline

The introduction of AI into the recruitment process has the potential to upset the balance between process and people, undermining diversity and fairness.

Cyber leaders worry that AI will overwhelm cyber defences

25 Sep 2023 | Management-Issues

The overwhelming majority of cybersecurity leaders believe that AI in the wrong hands will outpace cyber defences, according to new research.

Leveraging tech to succeed at hybrid working

06 Jun 2022 | Jesper Theill Eriksen

A variety of issues still plague today's hybrid work environments, particularly around the tech used to enable effective remote working.

Working from home exposes cyber security flaws

17 Apr 2020 | Nicola Hunt

The mass move to working from home has exposed gaping holes in companies' cyber security risk management, new research has warned.

Collaborative technologies and the Coronavirus crisis

11 Mar 2020 | Sebastien Ricard

With the global spread of Coronavirus, how can companies leverage the digital workplace to keep employees safe, limit the loss of productivity and adapt work practices successfully during the crisis?

A faster path to intelligence

13 Nov 2019 | Rod Collins

If AI applications can be designed as collective intelligence systems, they may be able to help us move past the rancid divisiveness and entrenched thinking that prevents us from solving our most pressing problems.

Managing risks in a hyper-connected world

07 Jun 2018 | Rod Collins

As we all know, risk is a fact of life. But as the world becomes more connected, new risks have emerged that demand new tools to mitigate them and to thwart a new generation of threats.

Digital transformation: from worker to gamer

06 Feb 2018 | Rod Collins

Digital transformation is likely to bring with it a dramatic reduction in traditional employment. But will also see the emergence of a radically different economic role: that of the gamer.

The human-machine symbiosis

24 Jan 2018 | Rod Collins

Machines are becoming more humanlike. But rather than posing a threat to mankind, could this reformulation of the human-machine symbiosis spark a renaissance of humanity?

An evolutionary leap in human intelligence?

04 Jan 2018 | Rod Collins

Digital Transformation is arguably the most far-reaching socio-economic revolution in human history. But most of us remain blind to the real magnitude of the changes this will bring.

Is blockchain the future of IT?

21 Dec 2017 | Rod Collins

Because it extinguishes the ‘power of one’, blockchain is game-changing systems architecture that looks set to revolutionize the way we build IT systems.

Why the Internet of Things changes everything

26 Oct 2017 | Rod Collins

We are on the cusp of the second wave of the digital revolution, one which promises to be far more transformative than the first and which will change the fundamental dynamics of how our social structures work.

Five simple, curmudgeonly email rules

01 Sep 2017 | Wayne Turmel

Many things in life are necessary but annoying - especially email. So here are five simple things everyone can do with their emails that will help make everyone less generally cranky:

The second wave of the digital revolution

12 Jan 2017 | Rod Collins

Thanks to the internet, we have experienced more change in the past 16 years than in the previous five decades of the last century. But that's nothing compared to what the second wave of the digital revolution will bring.

Why logic doesn't apply when rolling out new tech

22 Jun 2016 | Wayne Turmel

As anyone who has ever done a tech rollout will tell you, choosing the hardware or software is the easy part. Actually getting people to use it is where it all goes wrong.

Intuitive technology? Don't make me laugh!

10 Jun 2016 | Wayne Turmel

Most software is far from being ‘intuitive’. It might make sense to the engineers who designed it, but the rest of us aren’t engineers and we aren't born automatically knowing how to use complex systems.

Teaching young'uns about tech

01 Feb 2016 | Wayne Turmel

We often hear that ‘older' workers won’t adopt new tech while younger ones are 'digital natives'. But it isn’t that simple. There’s plenty that us ‘oldies’ can teach the young'uns about the efficient use of technology at work.

Why smart people resist new technology

22 Dec 2015 | Wayne Turmel

Technology is supposed to give us new, faster, better or easier ways to get our job done. So why, then, are smart, competent, motivated people often so reluctant to adopt new workplace tools?

Cybersecurity: weighing the risks

03 Nov 2015 | David Nowacki

If you run any sort of company, organization, agency or public body, you’re expected to have answers. So do you have an answer for this? How does your organization assess cybersecurity risks?