In this episode, we explore the Enneagram with Karl Hebenstreit, author of "The How & Why: Taking Care of Business with the Enneagram".
In this episode, we explore the Enneagram with Karl Hebenstreit, author of The How & Why: Taking Care of Business with the Enneagram.
The Enneagram is a personality model that describes people in terms of nine personality types, each with its own core motivations, fears and internal dynamics. The name derives from Greek (ennea, meaning "nine" and gramma, meaning something "written" or "drawn"). The nine types are represented diagrammatically by the points of a geometric figure called an enneagram.
In a business context, the Enneagram is used to gain insights into workplace interpersonal dynamics. The ability to take on another person's point of view is a vital part of getting anything done successfully, and the enneagram offers an effective route to open people up to other ways of thinking.
Karl Hebenstreit is a certified executive coach, leadership and organisational development (OD) consultant, author, and international speaker. He has more than 25 years of HR and OD experience across arrange of industries. As well as The How & Why: Taking Care of Business with the Enneagram (now in its third edition), he is also the author of the children's book, Nina and the Really, Really Tough Decision.
"The How and Why: Taking Care of Business with the Enneagram" provides a thorough overview of OD tools and frameworks traditionally associated with solving typical business challenges, but enhancing them with insight from the Enneagram. Designed to be put to immediate use, chapters such as "Recruitment, Engagement, and Retention," "Strategic Planning," "Influence", and "Executive Coaching and Development" blend the insights of the Enneagram model with existing OD best practices to help create more robust solutions.
What Matters

In What Matters, Nicola Hunt, co-founder and executive editor of, invites a special guest to join her to discuss a topical business issue and explore why it matters right now.