In part two of her interview with ecopreneur Kemp Edwards, Dawna Jones explores whether using sustainability as a strategy is about being ethical or a recognition that nature's principles apply to business.
In part two of her interview with ecopreneur Kemp Edwards, Dawna Jones explores whether using sustainability as a strategy is about being ethical or a recognition that nature's principles apply to business.
They also discuss how service to community impacts employee engagement, what power consumers have to affect business accountability and what businesses can do to restore credibility when it comes to reporting social and economic responsibility.
As Chris Laszlo stated, "millions of minds are now dedicated to measuring, recording, making very visible, and ultimately improving the social and environmental well-being of society at large." Kemp Edwards is one of those minds.
His two companies: and merge a flexible style of doing business with a vision to reinvent the consumption and economic model.
Evolutionary Provocateur

The Evolutionary Provocateur bi-monthly show is for executives, managers, and supervisors (OR for leaders at all levels) who have noticed that it is not what you know but who you are that has the biggest impact.
Dawna Jones, the show's host, believes that by raising awareness and understanding we can make a quantum leap to a new level of innovation in business - but it has to be done collectively.
What better way to do it than by provoking the evolution of how you see yourself and your role!
Find out more about Dawna at
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