Online recruitment?

Apr 22 2003 by Steve Huxham Print This Article

In 2000, a survey by the UK research company BMRB found that searching for

jobs was the fourth most common use of the internet in the UK, behind

e-mail, shopping and booking travel or holidays. That was in 2000. It is

becoming even more common. A survey by Ilogos, another research firm,

found that 91 per cent of Fortune 500 companies use their own websites for

recruiting, up from 79 per cent in 2000 and 57 per cent in 1998.

There is no doubt that the internet has changed the way candidates look

for and apply for jobs. Companies, too, have adapted to the medium and

increasingly expect to advertise jobs online and receive online

applications. Online recruitment is now even more popular than internet

shopping and e-banking.

All the same, plenty of recruitment sites have gone out of business in the

past year, including financial services sites and Others appear to be struggling, including Futurestep,

owned by global search firm Korn/Ferry, which is mainly a CV collector

rather than a jobs board.

Views on the role of the internet in recruitment have totally changed

since the first online recruitment sites set up only a few years ago. In

fact, a more topical question in 2003 might actually be is there such a

separate concept as "online recruitment" or is it now just one integrated

channel within the whole recruitment mix? At the most recent Recruitment

Society Internet debate the speakers may not have quite reached that

point, but they did start from the question of "is the internet

fundamentally changing the relationship between the client and the

recruitment company?"

As with many online concepts, pundits originally used their favourite word

of the dotcom era - 'disintermediation', about the effect online

recruitment might have on more traditional recruitment methods. Clearly

that has not happened. The fears that online recruitment was the beginning

of the end for recruitment advertising revenue have proved false. Online

and traditional methods cohabit the recruitment arena, hopefully improving

the general offering.

However, the Internet has had an impact on recruitment advertising. There

is no doubt of the impact if we look at the American newspaper market

where newspapers have bought control of one of the top 3 online

recruitment sites, Careerbuilder, to stem the tide of lost revenues. This

suggests that we may see a similar strategy in the UK.

There are also those who argue that personality - not technology - still

rules and that emotion must be put back into the process of recruiting.

Certainly, the internet can be personalised to meet individual needs, but

it cannot replace communication between candidate and company.

What becomes apparent is that the candidate and client cry for more, not

less, personal contact and consideration is now louder than ever. In a

market where there are fewer job opportunities (online or in print!) more

candidates, and where thanks to email it is easier than ever for an

individual, if so minded, to use "spray and pray" applications, the

limitations of the medium are self-evident.

Finally, the perception that online job-hunting does not work for senior

jobs is fading and that there are many well-paid jobs advertised nowadays.

No doubt, we will get a clearer idea how successfully online job hunting

works when the economy picks up and more firms start hiring.
