Your job could be killing you

Mar 11 2009 by Print This Article

Here's a thought. Could the economy and how it affects your job actually be killing you?. Some experts suggest that your job and the environment of your workplace is more important to your health than your diet.

According to William Gallo, from the Yale School of Public health, "we spend 8, 10, 12 hours a day at work. That may be more important than whether you're on the Zone Diet ." Losing a job can be particularly devastating to your mental health as it tends to cut social ties you have built up while working at an office.

However, just because you haven't lost your job doesn't mean the ill health cannot affect you. Another study, conducted in Finland, showed municipal workers who had not lost their jobs, but had friends and knew those around them who had were more likely to die sooner. At the same time, more studies show that the "pecking order" that you find yourself in at work can also affect your health. The lower you feel, the lower your health.

The other interesting things about the studies is that they have been conducted all around the world. Even in countries where the perception is that the cost of living is high, still showed that jobs and your position at them, can affect your health and even bring about death sooner than normal.

So, if you are going into work and feeling sick, it may be the job itself that's making you sick. Despite the economy, it might be time to make a change. Your very life may depend on it.
