Need a New Years Resolution?

Dec 29 2008 by Print This Article

Is the stress of your job wearing you out, keeping you away from home and driving you insane? What better time than the new year to make a resolution to try to balance your home life and your work life a bit better?

As author Susan Ward explains, first learn the word "delegate" and then learn how to do it more often. You don't necessarily have to do all of the work yourself. You can become a better employee and a better manager by delegating the work to others.

Ward also suggests that you learn something new. "What you choose to learn may be directly related to your business…or completely unrelated. Learning something new will add to your skills and add a new dimension of interest to your life - another important part of achieving a healthy work-life balance. Depending on how you choose to learn, you may meet new and interesting people, who may become customers, colleagues, or friends."

You should also actually take out your calendar and put time down for yourself. Only by doing that can you give yourself permission to step back from your work and find some time to relax or spend time with your family.

She also suggests that you set goals that are realistic for you and your work or your business. By setting goals that are too unrealistic, you are going to spend more time working and less time feeling accomplished.

There are other suggestions in the article as well. Perhaps by taking them to heart you can learn a better way to work and still save your sanity. Doing that could be the best resolution you can make in the new year.


Older Comments


I want to offer my opinion that in the context of running a small business, the owner is wise to 'delegate' tasks so that she does not get swamped in the never ending workload (ie, accountant for tax, laywer for legal counsel, etc.). However, in large or medium companies, there is a flip side to 'delegation.' Seasoned managers know to both 'empower' and then 'delegate' tasks/responsibilities to their staffs. Without empowerment (the giving or delegation of power; authority), managers often end up 'delegating' the headache for someone else to fail.


"Neal" Chih L. Shen, CAPM Texas