Does dress matter?

Aug 05 2008 by Print This Article

Just about every company has some kind of dress code. But while many of these might seem pretty relaxed, it might just be that your boss notices how you dress and bases his or her decision on promoting you on that very thing.

So argues this piece on, adding that there is a seemingly endless battle at companies with dress codes:

Battle No. 1: Employees misinterpret the dress code or they don't abide by it.

Battle No. 2: Companies have a code in place but don't enforce it.

Battle No. 3: Companies don't have a dress code but they still reprimand employees for wearing certain attire.

Or, Battle No. 4: There's constant objection from certain industries along the lines of, 'Why do I have to look nice at work if I don't see anybody?'

Of course, the article also mentions that how you dress may be more important depending on what industry you work in. For example, the financial industries industry is one that requires a more formal way of dressing.

In summer months, when the clothing seems to become less and the dress codes become less enforced, don't use that as an excuse not to dress professionally.

Take the time to adhere to your dress code, in short. Dress for success and your managers will notice. If you look the part, they may perceive you in the part of management yourself and that could help you move up the ladder more quickly than you realize.
