Let's have hear cheers for New Zealand's minster of labor, Trevor Mallard, for his recent speech on improving public sector productivity. The independent newspaper, Scoop, was so kind as to reprint the speech in its entirety.
All too often, people bristle when the subject of streamlining or improving public sector efficiency is discussed. This is especially the case for those whose jobs are likely to be affected by such changes.
However, in most countries, the public sector is an essential part of the national economy. For that reason alone, it's important to maintain a public sector that is efficient: it can serve its citizens in a timely, effective manner.
This is precisely what the Minister is getting at, and I applaud his efforts. In his case, the government is focusing on technology and training. What better way to make people work better than to get them both the knowledge to do their job better and the tools to do their job right.
Of course, time will tell if this is more demagoguery, or perhaps we've seen a politician who thinks like someone rational. If this plan for increased productivity does go forward, it's a win for all involved.