Florida's Die Hard fantasies

Mar 31 2008 by Derek Torres Print This Article

I used to think the scariest thing about Florida were the rays and the sharks in the Gulf of Mexico, now it's clear that it's the Florida House of Representatives, which gave large backing to a bill that authorizes workers to carry concealed weapons in their cars on the work premise.

Gee, sheer brilliance.

As one might image, this one was split almost to a vote down party lines, with Republican leaders repeating the same meme of Constitutional rights, etc. This debate is increasingly difficult to have because those in favor tend to repeat the same one or two lines.

But riddle me this – supposing that a disgruntled worked came to the office and decided to start randomly shooting people (a plausible idea in America these days), how would anyone get out to run to their car to get their weapon? Would they use their Spidey senses?

What if the disgruntled worker is actually a chap who has a valid concealed weapon permit and goes to his car and comes back and starts shooting?

While the dreams of some type of Die Hard fantasy played out in the workplace may appeal to some, there are clearly places where firearms are appropriate and other places where one simply has to be rational and think about risk. It looks like the Florida House has failed to do so, so now we look to their Senate.
