The year's weirdest workplaces

Dec 24 2007 by Derek Torres Print This Article

As 2007 starts to wind down and the holidays are upon us, let's keep it light and reflect on the past 12 months. It's been an OK year for the workplace for most of us, all things considered, so most of you reading this probably can't complain.

However, just keep in mind some of these poor folks the next time you think you're working for a weird company – courtesy of the wildest workplace tales for 2007.

It seems the Challenger, Gray & Christmas company (seems almost appropriate) in Chicago came up with this list, which includes:

  • In Thailand, policemen who needed to be taken down a peg or two had to endure in insufferable fate of wearing Hello Kitty wristbands. Could be worse – it could have been a lunch box or rain slicker!
  • A city hall in Alabama closed for the day so all the city workers could visit the new Wal-Mart. Yes, receipts were required to prove presence.
  • A South Korean bank started incorporating blind dates for single ladies in the office with the hopes of boosting morale (whose exactly is unclear).

There are a number of other shining examples that you can visit on the aforementioned website. I don't know about you, but my worst day in the office somehow seems comparatively tame to some of those workplaces!
