The average worker is supposed to find a job, dedicate themselves to it, and slowly, inexorably climb up the corporate ladder, right? Well, twenty years ago, perhaps, but not any more.
Gen Y has long since stopped buying into the 'career ladder' concept. Just take a look at Don't Waste Your Life or Time Pursuing Someone Else's Dream, a postinjg over at
"When 'They' started the business, they had a vision of what they wanted to do, how to do it, etc. Then they figured out they would hire people to do the work so THEY can realize THEIR dream," writes darthsidious.
His point is that all of the people who complain about bosses, find themselves persecuted in their job or get stressed about work should realize all they are doing is helping someone else achieve success.
Judging by those who responded to this post, many agree. Employees may be realizing that all of the stress their bosses heap upon them does nothing to help them find happiness.
What should the average worker do? Perhaps, find a way to start their own business, work for themselves, or dedicate more of their time to pursuing things important to them, rather than activities that just make managers wealthier.
A manifesto for mass entrepreneurship? Let's wait and see.
The comparison between the S&M world and the corporate world are
visible if you choose to see them--the delicate balance between dominance and submission to authority, as well as the power plays, make for a rather dysfunctional workplace enviroment. In S&M though, there is a credo of safe, sane and consensual behavior; in corporate life, the behavior is often insane, unsafe and occassionally consensual. Therein lies the difference. There are sadistic bosses (those that keep you in fear of loosing your job) as well as masochistic employees (those that tolerate boundary violations).
In order to be effective at work, you need to role play your way to success and learn to customize your reaction to the particular situation. Of course, at the end of the day, you just might need to get another job if the environment is intolerable and abusive.