Worker's are Venting and, boy, do they vent

May 04 2007 by Print This Article

Taking a look at the website is like taking a look into every employee's working nightmare. Here is a site where employees of companies can either write good things about places they have worked or bad things about places they have worked.

Take a guess which one has more people writing?

The consistent theme? Managers have completely lost touch with their employees and are spending more time viewing and justifying metrics than they are listening to their employees. Managers also seem to be busy promoting people who kiss up than who work hard.

The top companies people seem to want to complain about? United Stationers leads the list followed closely by Progressive Insurance. Taking a look at the Progressive Insurance conversations reveal consistent complaints that management has lost focus and the company has gone down hill.

Nothing, it seems, alienates employees faster than turning everything they do into numbers. But of course, the question has to be, is anyone in management listening?

Given the number of employers still relying solely on metrics and numbers just to justify their management salaries, it's hard to say that the answer is yes. However, their employees are talking, and there are those out there who are listening. The Progressive Insurance string has nearly 800 reviews alone.


Older Comments

And you wonder why blogs like 'The Corporate Cynic' have sprung up?


Jerome Alexander