Work: the new religion?

Dec 13 2005 by Brian Amble Print This Article

Do you love your work too much, asks the Guardian's Ian Wylie. Is it taking over our hearts as well as our minds?. Because, he argues, if you bring your heart and soul to work, and there's a good chance you'll end up feeling betrayed.

Should we accept that work is our new religion, where we worship and sacrifice our time? Or should we put our work back in context? The Spanish word for work, "trabajo", comes from a Latin word for an instrument of torture. Even the Puritans considered work a means to an end.

Successful companies are usually the ones that stick to their core competencies. Maybe the smart ones should trust their employees with the time and space to find more meaning outside work, and leave spiritual experiences to babies in mangers.

The Guardian | Hopelessly devoted
