Networking savvy crucial, say job seekers

May 16 2002 by Print This Article

Networking skills are the best way to find a new job according to Drake Beam

Morin (DBM), a leading global workplace consulting firm who quizzed 4,500 UK

job seekers.

Published in a new study, 'Career Choices and Challenges of People in

Transition' the findings indicate that a substantial proportion (50%) claim

to have found their latest role via networking whilst one quarter say that

going to a head-hunter or recruitment agency paid dividends.

"Networking continues to be a vital factor in successful job hunting.

Applicants can tap into opportunities that are not yet advertised. Well

prepared job seekers have a diverse network of business and personal

contacts as well as information sources. Since employment security can be

defined as how quickly you can locate your next position, networking is one

of the most important career skills people can develop," says Tony Gould,

managing director of DBM in the UK.

In response to the tight recruitment market, job seekers are also being

streetwise about transferring their skills to new sectors. In 2001 a marked

trend was recorded in people either changing function or transferring their

skills into different industries. Changes in job functions were

particularly apparent in finance/accounting, general management, sales &

marketing and operations/manufacturing. Industry movement was more apparent

in consumer products/FMCG, technology and finance and the service sector.

Globally, the DBM research shows that three in four out-of-work business

people changed industries in order to find a new job.

"The current climate requires a creative approach and the successful

candidates are repackaging their knowledge and skills and transferring them

to new jobs and new industries. But employers are also recognising the

advantages of bringing in new talent with a fresh perspective which may

explain why so many respondents were able to secure positions outside their

previous industry or functional area," continues Tony Gould.

DBM lists flexibility, willingness to relocate, global work experience and cross-industry or cross-function hands-on experience as real assets in the

current climate. Other hot skills include project management, a wide network of business contacts and the ability to develop new business or bring clients on board.

To arrange interviews, please contact Nicola Hunt at NHPR Tel: 020 7490 9310

Email:[email protected]. For further information and/or a copy of the report

please contact Philippa Graves, DBM, Tel: 020 7556 4044 Email:[email protected]
