Mixed signals

Jan 10 2002 by Brian Amble Print This Article

The difficulties that enveloped the recruitment industry in 2001 are clearly reflected in responses to a survey of the readership of the Interviewer magazine (now called "Inside Recruitment").

Tellingly, more than half (55 per cent) said that recession had affected

their business, with 71 per cent of those laying off staff. A further 50

per cent expected further lay offs (27 per cent of the whole sample) during


It demonstrates what a difference a year makes. Recession did not even

register as an issue in the 2000 National Recruitment Industry Survey.

Since then, the global slowdown, foot and mouth and September 11 have hit

confidence and recession has become the number one threat even outstripping

that eternal bane for recruiters, regulation.

Just ten per cent feared regulation as a greater threat than recession

though a further 20 per cent considered both to be an equal threat to their


Invited to comment, Nesco Group's Tina Holt said: "Concerns over the

unpredictability of the UK market have prevented many clients putting their

IT budgets above the parapet. Companies held their breath and reined in

expenditure and development activity."

Interestingly, however, close to half (42.5 per cent) asserted that they

had been untouched by either regulation or recession and did not see either

as a threat. That was reflected in readers' views on long term confidence.

Remarkably, 90 per cent said that they were very confident about the

industry's future with just one in ten concerned about the future.

Holt, whose Cheshire-based company deals in IT recruitment, said: "Optimism

is based on avoiding full recession and the inevitable acceptance of the

Euro and ERM. This will force UK users to spend heavily to catch up with

their European counterparts."

Despite that, there was a strong note of caution. Less than half (40 per

cent) thought that the downturn would be over by the summer and some even

expected no bounce back until 2003.

Elan Computing's Peter Anthony said: "We can be 95 per cent certain that we

will pull out of the downturn but nobody knows when. Our own research

indicates a more positive picture ahead."

The sectors most damaged in 2001 are, not surprisingly, the IT/telecoms

sectors and executive search and selection. In all, approximately 72 per

cent of the former admitted that they had done badly and two-thirds of the

latter also said that it had been a bad 12 months. Elsewhere, things had by

and large held up. Nearly half the office support sector (45 per cent) said

they had done well. It was a similar story in the industrial and commercial

sectors (46 per cent) suggesting that 2001 was not quite the desperate year

for some that media headlines might have had you believe.

Let's hope 2002 is pay back time

"Inside Recruitment" plans to conduct surveys regularly to examine the state of

the market and gauge long-term trends in recruitment. These will be

conducted both for the market as a whole and sector-by-sector. The next survey will be

in the Spring.

For more details, see www.insiderecruitment.co.uk
