Why pensions are a non-issue

Apr 21 2005 by Brian Amble Print This Article

"Pensions will never be an election issue because we're complacent, suspicious and financially inept", writes Libby Purvis in the Times:

Modern governments have a dilemma. Every calculation shows that Britain is not setting enough money aside for its old age, either privately or communally. Only senior public servants - like MPs - are featherbedded. For most of us, longevity and rising expectations have changed the landscape: forget those ads showing laughing oldsters playing golf in Florida. A few have been lucky, but it is barking mad to expect to work for 40 years and live the life of Riley for the next 30, either on your own savings or on the taxpayer. It just won't work. But few of us believe it. We don't save enough because of a toxic mixture of affluent complacency, economic illiteracy and mistrust of financial institutions.

And she is probably right too when she says "look forward to the day when commuter trains and burger bars will be packed with worried octogenarians who daren't retire."

The Times | We'll think about that later
