Are you planning your office party this year? Want to make sure that your colleagues only hear jingle bells, and not alarm bells?
Then according to the TUC's workSMART organisation and RoSPA, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, you need their guide to safety in the festive season.
Among the (serious) suggestions the guide makes are not to put up mistletoe in case it encourages sexual harassment and reminders that food should be kept in the fridge and you should be carefuil when putting up decorations.
The guide also warns us that:
Office furniture isn’t designed to be as sturdy as the furniture in your local pub, so dancing on desks could do them and you a lot of damage. Likewise, the boardroom table is meant for weighty documents, not overweight executives.
Resist the temptation to photocopy parts of your anatomy – if the copier breaks, you’ll have Christmas with glass in painful places.