Inspiring engagement through the power of stories


The gap between having a vision and inspiring others to help you achieve it is common to every business leader. Story-telling can fill this gap. In this Hangout discussion, Dawna Jones talks to Guido Palazzo, professor of business ethics at HEC Lausanne, about how stories can help you communicate your vision and how to tap into the power of storytelling.

Widely known for his studies on the impact of globalization on corporate responsibility, Guido Palazzo also studies unethical behaviour - what he terms "the dark side of the force" - and its impact on organisations. He has also published research on the impact of organised crime on business and society and strategies to combat it.

About The Author

Dawna Jones
Dawna Jones

Dawna Jones is the author of Decision Making for Dummies and host of the Evolutionary Provocateur podcast. She contributes imaginative insights plus 25 years experience so companies can transform from "business-as-usual" to inclusive cultures of prosperity. You can connect with her on LinkedIn