Flexible Working

Why remote work can be hard on trust

04 Oct 2024 | Wayne Turmel

Trust is critical to successful remote and hybrid work. But even with the best of intentions, doubt and suspicion can creep in.

Getting honest feedback as a long-distance leader

23 Sep 2024 | Wayne Turmel

Getting honest feedback is critical for anyone in a leadership role. But imagine how much more difficult this is when you and your team are in different physical places.

Hybrid work: do you want a mule or a platypus?

12 Aug 2024 | Wayne Turmel

Would you describe the hybrid workplace as a mule or as a platypus? Stick with me, because the question is not as crazy as it might sound.

Remote working and mental health

29 Jul 2024 | Wayne Turmel

One of the more interesting and talked-about topics around remote and hybrid working is how it impacts people’s mental health.

Managing performance on hybrid teams

09 Jul 2024 | Wayne Turmel

As hybrid working becomes more and more widespread, one of the biggest difficulties that has emerged is how to manage individual performance when some people are in the office more than others.

Are America and Europe returning to the office in the same way?

18 Apr 2024 | Wayne Turmel

It has been four years since Covid caused a seismic change in how and where people work. But are North America and Europe handling this trend in the same way? The evidence says not.

What to do if hybrid isn’t working

27 Feb 2024 | Wayne Turmel

How are team’s hybrid working arrangements working out? Are they better or worse than you expected?

Communication is more than a transaction

17 Jan 2024 | Wayne Turmel

One of the biggest complaints about working remotely is that communication has become a series of transactions. But why is that a problem?

The critical factor for team collaboration

13 Dec 2023 | Wayne Turmel

It doesn’t matter if your team is co-located, fully remote, or hybrid. Work slows if people can’t get access to the critical information they need to do their jobs.

Beware these remote management biases

17 Nov 2023 | Wayne Turmel

We all have biases that occasionally get us in trouble. And that's as true in a remote management context as it is in any other workplace setting.

Enhancing engagement when flexible working isn't an option

19 Oct 2023 | Karen Jackson

There are many jobs where flexible working simply isn’t an option. So what alternative benefits can employers offer that will enhance employee well-being and engagement?

Who is working from home (and who isn't)?

18 Oct 2023 | Wayne Turmel

Why do some people work from home and others prefer (or have no choice but) to work in the office? The reasons are more varied than you might think.

Employers respond to staff demands for more benefits and flexibility

09 Oct 2023 | Management-Issues

Despite pressure on budgets, the majority of UK employers are responding to staff demands for an expansion of benefits and flexible working.

Employees reject workplace monitoring

04 Oct 2023 | Management-Issues

More than two-thirds of people in the UK find the idea of being monitored in the workplace intrusive, according to new research.

Are we neglecting managers in the new world of work?

15 Sep 2023 | Marco Favaloro

With many managers struggling at a personal level in the new world of hybrid work, organisations need to offer additional support to build healthy workplace relationships.

Inclusion is the key to engagement

07 Sep 2023 | Wayne Turmel

How do you keep employees engaged when they aren’t interacting with colleagues every day? The answer is to try to include them whenever the opportunity arises.

Great expectations?

05 Jul 2023 | Wayne Turmel

An issue many managers come up against on remote or hybrid teams is that there are fewer opportunities to inspect peoples' work in person, or on-demand. Dealing with this is all about expectations.

Hybrid teams: keeping up the connections

19 Apr 2023 | Marco Favaloro

It's all too easy for those all-important 'water cooler' moments to evaporate in the new hybrid world of work. So how do you build deeper relationships in teams that rarely share the same physical space?

The great mismatch?

04 Apr 2023 | Wayne Turmel

First was "the Great Resignation." Then there was "Quiet Quitting." But the latest buzzword flying around to help us understand the changing workplace is "the Great Mismatch."

Leaders, teammates, and teams

09 Mar 2023 | Wayne Turmel

The trend for remote work was rising for years before the COVID tsunami hit. But now we've passed that first big wave of change, what will teamwork look like going forward?