A Brief Guide to Cloud Computing
Constable & Robinson | Oct 2011
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Like it or loathe it, cloud computing is already starting to have a significant impact on the personal and corporate computing landscape.
This highly relevant book by Christopher Barnatt, Associate Professor of Computing & Future Studies at Nottingham University Business School, is an excellent and worthwhile read which covers a wide range of issues relating to Cloud Computing with easy to grasp examples across a broad range of subjects.
The book is divided into two parts. Part I introduces the basics and explains the advantages of cloud computing, its association with Web 2.0, and the range of online software applications and hardware resources already available.
Part II takes a wider look at the implications of cloud computing and looks at issues as diverse as security, privacy and reliability, the next generation cloud hardware, personal clouds, and a glimpse into the future.
As one reviewer on Amazon put it: "A really well written book that also seems to be aimed at IT decision makers and business owners rather than students, which means that you can really see how to use this in your own business."
If you don't have time to read the book but still want to know what all the fuss about Cloud Computing is about, this video from Christopher Barnatt will tell you what you need to know.