Encouraging change in business schools

Oct 09 2015 by Dawna Jones Print This

What happens when business schools are less progressive than the companies hiring their graduates? The Global Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) aims to close that gap.

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What happens when business schools are less progressive than the companies hiring their graduates? The Global Responsible Leadership Initiative (GRLI) aims to close that gap and encourage change in business schools.

Dawna Jones talks to GRLI Executive Director, John North, about his vision to catalyse responsible leadership and practice in organisations and societies worldwide - no small task - and how GRLI has set out to achieve this. They also discuss what kinds of initiatives set the fifty member business schools apart from conventional thinking about business education.

In this podcast you’ll learn:

  • Why 50-20 exists and what it aims to achieve.
  • How students are helping faculty be more relevant to today’s reality.

  • Who is setting up a ‘pop up’ university and which universities are using constraints to be different.

  • The voice the GRLI is giving to business schools on important forums like COP21.

  • About the value of trans-disciplinary and integrative thinking as core to leading change in business schools.

You can learn more about the GRLI, become a member or sign up for their next Innovation Cohort at www.grli.org .

Evolutionary Provocateur

Dawna Jones
Dawna Jones

The Evolutionary Provocateur bi-monthly show is for executives, managers, and supervisors (OR for leaders at all levels) who have noticed that it is not what you know but who you are that has the biggest impact.

Dawna Jones, the show's host, believes that by raising awareness and understanding we can make a quantum leap to a new level of innovation in business - but it has to be done collectively.

What better way to do it than by provoking the evolution of how you see yourself and your role!

Find out more about Dawna at www.FromInsightToAction.com